2024-08-26 12:56


  在會議間隙,世界銀行前經濟學家、肯尼亞政府顧問姆旺吉·瓦奇拉(Mwangi Wachira)接受了中國新聞網的采訪。在他看來,中國從來不是非洲債務的主要債權方,那些聲稱“中國給非洲帶來了債務陷阱”的人“真的沒有做足功課”。

  他表示:“中國認可非洲的自主權,認可我們的主觀能動性,而與西方國家交往時,非洲處於被動狀態。”(王高飛 吳辛茹)

  “If (some people say) that China has brought a debt trap to Africa, then they really haven't done their homework,” said Dr. Mwangi Wachira, former economist at the World Bank and advisor to the Government of Kenya said in an interview with China News Network at the sideline of the launching ceremony of 2024 Chinese Investment in Africa Report and Invest in Africa Beijing Dialogue held on Friday.

  He also pointed out that Africa's engagement with the West, spearheaded by the United States, differs significantly in character from its engagement with China. He added, “Chinese engagement shows more sensitivity to ourselves. It gives us more say in what we are doing. But the West simply treats me as if I am passive.” (Wang Gaofei, Wu Xinru)

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